Oct 25, 2022. Home / Monroe, Louisiana / Education
The Monroe Museum dedicates much of its resources to shaping young minds. It’s so fun that the children won’t even realize they are learning. Through colourful displays, imaginative exhibits, and interactive events, Northeast Louisiana Children’s Museum at 323 Walnut St. is a great place to grow with kids and adults. One of the Museum’s permanent exhibits is the Firehouse, which includes a sliding pole, and Toddler town is for children under four years old. Space Camp, which runs June 17 through June 21, is among the many events you can attend at the Museum throughout the year.
The cost per camper is just $135 for members with advanced registration. Learn something new today at a museum in Monroe. Choosing which one to explore first is the most challenging part!
Learning about Northeast Louisiana Children’s Museum
In their new facility in New Orleans City Park, the Louisiana Children’s Museum (LCM) offers continuous learning, discovery, and exploration opportunities. The campus offers ample outdoor space, education centers, themed activities, interactive programming, and unique local features.
You can expect these things when you visit LCM next:
“Play Building”
Objects on exhibit
This gallery houses the five interactive, educational exhibits of LCM. There are several areas they focus on, including arts and culture, environmental education, health and wellness, and literacy.
Play with Me
There is a space for families with babies and toddlers under four years of age on the ground floor.
Follow That Food
Take a playful journey through Louisiana agriculture and food with Follow That Food, one of the largest LCM galleries. Fields and coastal waters start the journey, followed by international ports, markets, cafes, and restaurants, where the journey ends at the family table. Food + You Market
Make Your Mark
Visit the Make Your Mark exhibit to learn about New Orleans’ rich history, art, architecture, music, and more. Besides learning about the great contributors to New Orleans, children will be asked to create their original creations and crafts.
Move with the River Children learn about the Mighty Mississippi River in this “action-packed, watery world.” This journey explores water as a resource starting with Lake Itasca, MN, going through the Port of New Orleans, and reaching the Gulf of Mexico.