Dialing Instructions
Here is an extensive list of dialing instructions that will help you communicate with great ease while you enjoy your vacation stay at Comfort Suites – one of the top-rated Monroe luxury hotels.
. Local Calls 9+Local Number
. Local Information 9+1411
.Long Distance Information 8+1+ (AC) +1 (555)-1212
.Long Distance Calls (Charge to Room) 8+1+ (AC) + Number
. Operator-Assisted (Credit Card or Collect) 8+0+ (AC) + Number
.International Calls 9+011+ Country Code + City Code + Number
.Toll Free Numbers 9 + 1 + (800/888/877/866) + Number
.Room-to-Room Calls Guest Room number only is required
Our long distance carrier is Xfinity. Complaints for Xfinity may be directed to : +1 (318)-396-5400 Local, long distance, or international calls will be billed to your account only if the called party answers.
Direct Complaints to
.Federal Communications Commission
.Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
.Consumer Inquiries & Complaints Division
445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554